Ham Radio Contest Logging Programs
The American Radio Relay League ARRL is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U. S. with news, information and resources. DXCCCreditManager.jpg' alt='Ham Radio Contest Logging Programs' title='Ham Radio Contest Logging Programs' />Keeping a Log. There are two essentials types of information that every log needs Information about your operation and information about the station you contact. For your operation record the date, frequency, mode and power output for the contact station record their call sign, the time the contact started and ended, their signal report, name and location QTH. When you enter the date and time, Universal Coordinated Time UTC or Zulu as it is commonly called, is highly recommended. LOGGING PROGRAMS NOTICE The following is a compilation of URLs found on search engines and news groups. The Author makes no endorsement nor has any pecuniary. All Sweepstakes logs must be submitted within FIVE 5 days after each contest weekend as follows CW deadline is November 11, 2017. Phone deadline is November 25, 2017. EasyPal appears to be a great way to manage and transfer computer images via SSB in the HF bands. Using UTC eliminates confusion over time zones or daylight saving time, but you must remember to change the date at 0. Z, which could be anywhere from 4 PM to 7 PM local standard time for a North American station. This is an advantage of the computerized logging programs. Amateur Radio document library, antennas, schematics, homebrewing, connections. They keep UTC date and time straight automatically. Of course, you are free to use local time as long as you indicate this clearly in the log. It is unwise to mix UTC and local times and dates together in the log use one or the other. Non essential information that is worth recording is your signal report and that of the contact. You might also want to note comments about the contacts rig, antenna and quality of their CW, if pertinent. For an interesting contact, you can include notes about your conversation or a QSLing route many DX and DXpedition stations cannot be QSLed directly but must be QSLed through a QSL bureau or manager. It is also useful to note in the log when you send a QSL and if you receive it. A month after the contact, when you cant remember if you sent a card to that rare DXpedition that wont happen again for 1. If logging manually during a contest, it is impractical to record the start and end times for each station so these log areas can be used for contest exchange information. WinMain.png' alt='Ham Radio Contest Logging Programs' title='Ham Radio Contest Logging Programs' />Elecraft Hands On Ham RadioK3K3. S, KX3 and K2 Control Software. Elecraft radios are supported by all of the popular logging, rig control and digital programs today. In addition, there is also an expanding list of contributed utilities and programs to enhance your stations operation with Elecraft gear. We expect this list to get even longer so send us your suggested links for any new and exciting software packages you use with your Elecraft gear Send your requests to k. Royal Ballet School Teacher Training Course. Note The software listed on this page consists of commercial grade products offered by 3rd parties and contributed utilities from individual authors. Ham Radio Contest Logging Programs' title='Ham Radio Contest Logging Programs' />While it is provided for operators of Elecraft products to learn and use, Elecraft does not directly support software products listed on this page. Please refer to the support forums of the listed products for detailed configuration and operating tips. Most K3 programs. KX3. K3K3. S. KX3 and K2 Control Setup Programs Elecraft Frequency Memory Editor software page. It works for K3, K3. S, and KX3. Win. 4K3. Windows based general logging, contestspecific, and ham exam software. Suite. is a windows control program for the Elecraft K3 and KX3 transceivers supporting. KPA5. 00 Amplifier, the KAT5. Antenna tuner and the P3 Panadapter. Wizkers. Radio Chrome App that supports the KX3, KX2, KXPA1. XG3. Chrome App Link. Log. 4OMK Keys. by N3. PSJ and the VE2. DXY Contesting Team. Ham. Radio Deluxe from Rick Rhul. Ham Radio Deluxe provides CAT control. K3, KX3, K2 and most other rigs. Includes Mapper and PSK3. Deluxe. Excellent remote control program for the K3 too. S Meter. Lite for the K3. K3. Voice Feedback. K3. Texter by NF4. L for screen readers voice programs. K2. Voice Feedback. K3. Remote Control DLL from NO5. WWin Test. by F5. MZN and F6. FVY a high performance contest logging program for Windows. Ham. Office In GermanN4. PY. Control Software supports the K3 and K2. This program adds significant. K3 or K2 and can control two K3sK2s DX. Lab Suite from AA6. YQCommander Rig Control and Win. Warbler digital. DXKeeper the logging portion of the packagePC based K2. Remote Control Program from Dan, KE6. D. Remote control of your K2 from a PC. Scroll to the bottom of his page. TRX. ManagerCapable. Remote control of your K3K2 from a PC. Mac. Ham. Radio. Ham Radio programs for the. Macintosh, including many with K3 support. Marotefor. Unix based systems from Mike, K6. EEPFast. Tuna. Command Line Linux Rig Control Program for the Elecraft K2 from Mike, K6. EEPMac. Logger. DX. Don Agro, VE3. VRW, is a Macintosh logging program that supports the Elecraft. K3K2. Mix. W. Digital Mode Software PSK3. Zakanaka. v. 1. 2. Digital Mode Software PSK3. RTTY etc. K2. 4U. K2 by KC4. YDP. Logging. Programs that support the K3KX3K2 Please let. K3 or K2 support. If. K3K2 entry for the radio interface to a logging program. Kenwood TS 9. 50 or TS 5. Remote Software. This software is helpful in using. K3 in a Remote Setup. This includes a Remote. Rig or PC based remote. KAT5. 00 Remote Program v. Requires KAT5. 00 FW 1. Allows. for hosting a KAT5. Remote for monitoring and controlling the amplifier. This. program has a built in server and client. KAT5. 00 Remote Users Guide. Download. Requires. NET 4. 0, Windows XP or newerKPA5. Remote Program v. Requires KPA5. 00 FW 1. Allows for. hosting a KPA5. Remote for monitoring and controlling the amplifier. This. program has a built in server and client. KPA5. 00 Remote Users Guide. Download. Requires. NET 4. 0 Windows XP or newerK2. Remote and K2 Voice Program Downloads and Instructions. K2 Voice provides. K2 voice feedback frequency, mode etc. PC. K3 Voice is in final development and test. We have written. K2. Remote as a very basic introduction to what can be controlled on the K2. K3 via RS 2. 32 or USB. The authors above have extended this concept in a number of. To save these files. Save Link As option for Netscape. Save Target As option from Microsoft Explorer. When possible, we will post updates to these programs in both the full. K2 Voice and K2 Remote. EXE files. lt 1. KB. In most cases, once you have done a first full install, which. Windows. DLL routines needed by the programs, you can download. EXE version of each update without all of the extra full install. Note If you experience out of memory problems during. Windows installer engine included in the complete 2 K2 Voice. K2 Remote installation programs, or if you are running Windows NT, you should first download the Microsoft Installer. Then download the. K2voice or 1 K2 Remote installation program above, which does not try to install the. K2. Remote. K2 Remote Main Screen. K2 Remote is a basic demonstration RS 2. K2 that runs under Windows 9. XP ME. It. K2 KIO2 RS 2. KIO2 option. For more extensive remote. K3 Voice K2 Voice. K2 Voice Main Screen. K3 Voice and K2 Voice are voice feedback programs. K3 and K2. They run under Windows 9. ME. And vista for. K3 Voice. They are provided free, without. K2s will require the KIO2 option. Our goal is to make the K3 and K2 useful for hams. It will report most. PC. Both programs report the. VFO ab etc. The Programs operate in one of three modes Fully automatic All button presses and frequency changes made on. K2 are automatically reported within one second of completion. VFO. frequency changes are reported after tuning has stopped for one second. Semi Automatic Same as above except the VFO is not automatically. Press a key to get the current VFO frequency. Siemens Supply Chain Excellence Program. Manual Press a key for each function to be reported. ALT F to get the current frequency, ALT M to get the current mode. K2 Voice Installer. K3 Voice Installer.